Learning another language develops children’s cultural awareness and understanding of the world around them. It extends their knowledge of how language works and helps them to develop communication skills. At Padbury we teach the children French in discrete year groups so they can work towards achieving the twelve aims as set out in the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum. The aims are revisited throughout the four-year scheme across engaging units of work that are based on familiar themes. Mrs Jarvis, our French Specialist, leads the sessions in smaller separate year groups and, where possible, French speaking visitors come in and work with the children to engage and develop conversational French across the key Stage. Children in upper Key Stage two hold a French Breakfast for parents to rehearse their langauage acquistion and to give them a purpose for their learning.
In order to ensure progression of knowledge and skills, we follow the Kapow scheme for french. This is planned with mixed aged classes in mind and is adapted in content to our school. The progression grids are available to view at school as the documents cannot be published on other websites.