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Reading is the gateway to learning and has high priority across the whole curriculum. Our intent is that all children read with fluency and understanding, equipping them to succeed at Secondary School and become readers for life. We have a rigorous and sequential approach to reading where we strive to promote confidence in the children as readers and for them to become aware of reading as a source of communication, information, research, interest and pleasure. Across the curriculum, children enjoy a range of texts linked to their topics which supports the acquisition of subject specific vocabulary. Throughout the school, children also read individually, share class novels, read in small guided groups and are read to by adults regularly. Through accurate assessment, where gaps in learning are identified, interventions and additional support ensure all children make progress to support them in accessing the full curriculum. Challenge is key within our reading curriculum so that all children can be exposed to older literature, more challenging language and begin to understand how to use their reading skills to tackle more complex reading matter. Text studied such as the Tempest, Homer's Iliad and the Odyssey  are just some examples of the texts studied as children progress into KS2. 

Early Reading and Phonics

In EYFS and KS1 we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to teach basic phonic skills.  The children are assessed and organised into groupings according to the phonics phase they are working within. The systematic teaching of phonics ensures children make rapid progress in the early stages allowing them develop strategies to decode and build fluency. Reading books the children take home are linked to the phonic phase they are working within.  


We offer an inspirational and challenging English curriculum which provides all children with the skills necessary to equip them for life. It is our intent that all children feel confident to write for a range of purposes and that they can communicate their thoughts and ideas with ease and enjoyment. Our writing curriculum builds from using challenging, high quality texts which link across the areas of the curriculum making learning meaningful with clear purpose. Children develop their comprehension of text through active learning strategies, developing their speaking and listening skills such as drama, discussion, debate and develop their understanding of texts and themes further by using these texts as springboards for purposeful writing. Elements of grammar and punctuation are taught explicitly as well as within the context of writing. Children learn the writing process from reading as writers, planning, drafting, editing and proof reading, knowing that writing is about crafting ideas using a range of skills.