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PSHE and RSE Curriculum

PSHE Curriculum

What is PSHE education?

‘Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes they need to manage their lives, now and in the future.  As part of a whole school approach, PSHE education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.  It helps pupils to stay healthy, safe and prepare them for life and work in modern Britain.’  PSHE Association

At Padbury CE School, PSHE will be provided through:

  • Discreet Curriculum time;
  • Collective Worship, Assemblies, Key Stage and class assemblies, class discussions and circle time;
  • As and when issues arise, ensuring time is made within the curriculum to meet the needs of the children;
  • Extra-curricular activities e.g. Health days, Charity days, Mental Health and Wellbeing week.

Relationships and Sex Education

As we are a Church school, based on Christian principles, children are taught that we all have a responsibility to ourselves and to others.  The overall aim of Relationships and Sex education is to support the personal and social development of all children and emphasis is placed on the role of the family in developing positive attitudes and shared values.  Relationships and Sex Education forms part of the broad, balanced curriculum our school offers.  It is taught in context during your child’s early years of education as an ongoing part of the curriculum linking into other subjects.  Many strands of relationships and sex education are part of the National Curriculum Science programme of study. Other strands may focus on personal and social issues.  Staff always try to answer questions honestly in a calm, unprejudiced way.  All children, before transferring to secondary school, will follow a programme of study which will study puberty, human reproduction, personal hygiene and personal safety.

Celebrating Diversity

As a school, we are somewhat limited in the range of diversity within our school community. As a result, we need to work harder to ensure opportunities are presented to children to open their minds to the importance of celebrating difference and respecting all. To this end, we have devised a series of questions which challenge prejudice in different ways. It allows us as a school to challenge views and develop children's thinking in a safe environment. The questions are outlined in documents below.