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Religious Education

At Padbury CE School we follow the Oxford Diocese Board of Education Scheme of Work for RE, which is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge, skills and personal development to succeed in their learning in school as well as in life. Units of work are planned with the school’s Christian vision and values underpinning and guiding curriculum decisions for RE. Wherever possible units of work link to the cross curricular termly topics and are taken from either RE Today’s Understanding Christianity or Oxford Diocese Scheme of Work and span a range of religions, concepts and ideas. All pupils receive their full entitlement to at least 1 hour of RE a week. The lessons start with a ‘Big Question’ which challenge the children's thinking and engages them in discussions about their learning. Our RE curriculum exposes children to a wider range of religions and provides the opportunity for our RE curriculum to reflect children in our school community. The sequencing of learning means that pupils are able to revisit religions in different contexts and embed their learning, through a variety of stimulating lessons. RE helps pupils (and the school as a whole) to reflect on the ways in which beliefs influence the way people live their lives. Children have many opportunities to explore in depth (at an appropriate level for each year group) the school’s vision and associated value for each half-term.  Strong links are made with our school Vision and Ethos of 'Shine as a light before others.' Understanding that Jesus is the light of the world and we are lights too developing ourselves and others as we work and grow together.