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School Council

Welcome to our School Council page!

What is School council?

At the beginning of every academic year, children are given the opportunity to put themselves forward to be a member of our School Council. Children work hard on their presentation to let everybody know why they should be elected for the role of school councillor. We all then make our vote and the School Council for the year ahead is formed!

Our job is to be the voice of all pupils in the school, to share opinions about what matters to us on behalf of the children, to talk to the Headteacher about our ideas and to organise exciting fundraising events. We meet regularly to discuss any current issues, to make decisions about things to do with school, and to plan future events.

As School Council we want to continue to improve our school and shine our lights so that our school can be the very best it can be!

During the Autumn term the School Council have been working very hard on fundraising. We sold poppies and raised £114.71 for the Poppy Appeal! We also held a cake sale and wore red, yellow and spotty clothes to raise money for Children in Need! We raised £190.60 and had lots of fun! We have also worn our Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save The Children charity. In the Spring term, we orgnaised an afternoon of activities for the whole school to undertand the importance of Shrove Tuesday. 

A big THANK YOU for all of your support at our events!!!