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The National Curriculum (2014) identifies a broad range of areas to be covered within Science including; Working Scientifically, Animal including Humans, Plants, Living Things and their Habitats, Properties and Changes in Everyday Materials, Seasonal Changes, Light, Sound and Forces.

To develop Scientific skills all children, need rich opportunities to communicate in play and in their daily lives as the first steps in developing emergent science skills. These will stimulate their senses as well as encourage them to question, explore and wonder at their environment. At Padbury CE School, emergent scientific study skills are taught through activities which provide pupils opportunities to respond consistently to familiar objects, explore materials in increasingly complex ways,  observe the results of their own actions with interest, be proactive in their interactions and perform actions, often by trial and improvement remembering learned responses over short periods of time.

Pupils are taught the key active learning skills of observation, curiosity, a willingness to have a go, trial and error, problem solving, comparing, predicting and testing that are fundamental to developing an understand of the world around them. Scientific thinking books are used capture that curiosity, thinking and outcomes in a way that means they focus on their scientific understanding, not secretarial skills 

We capitalise on pupils’ areas of special interests, using these opportunities to extend learning in all areas of science so that each child can make progress from their individual starting point.

At Padbury we hold the Gold Primary Quality Mark for Science as a result of our high quality Science teaching.